Buying Vitamins Made In USA

By Nita McKinney

Daily intake of vitamins has long become a habit to most Americans.

 Lately, there is rising concern regarding the quality of vitamin products.

Given the horror stories about the poor quality of various products, including vitamins, produced in China, more and more people tend to buy the vitamins made in USA.

China has become the world's largest producer of vitamins.

For example, in China, they produce more than ninety percent of total world production of vitamin C.

In addition, vitamin C produced in China is significantly cheaper than the same product produced in another country.

 Given this fact, there is very high probability that a multivitamin product containing vitamin C is manufactured in China.

Unfortunately, in production of these components they simply don't follow the same rules Western manufacturers do.

Their products often don't meet usual standards, or simply cannot pass usual quality control.

 In many of those product controls discovered different chemicals and toxins, even dangerous medications. It's time to make people aware of these facts.

 You need to know the origin of your product.

It became more difficult to determine the origin of your product.

 Thanks to the fact all vitamins produced in China are considerably cheaper, it is easy to assume some of them will find a way to most multivitamin products manufactured elsewhere.

Even if your product is manufactured in USA, you have no guarantee it isn't placed in a container produced in Asia.

All in all, most product you will find in your pharmacy in fact contain some components that came from China.

Their products are so cheap that you have to assume most manufacturers will take the opportunity to earn more money.

They will include some of these products in their formulas, mix them together and label their products as American.

 In the end, their customers are buying Chinese vitamins without knowing.

 It wouldn't be so bad, but considering the fact some of these products are dangerous to consume, it became a big problem.

Another issue is related to package.

Containers used for packing some multivitamins are also produced in Asian countries.

 No manufacturer declares the origin of their containers, and there is a possibility those containers were treated with different dangerous chemicals as well.

They just don't have the same quality standards, or quality control.

As a result, people became more concerned about all those things they consume.

Different vitamin supplements may become the main source of illnesses.

If you are regularly taking these type of supplements to stay healthy, it probably sounds terrifying to you.

After analyzing some of those mixtures, it was proven that some of them contain dangerous levels of toxic substances.

The label should include a guarantee that all components of this product, including packaging, are produced in America.

Even in this case, you simply cannot be sure.

 There is no legal provision that determines the manufacturers to guarantee the origin of each component.

In their chase for profit, many of them resort to cheaper components.

Of course, some of the manufacturers are aware of the situation.

Their products are considerably more expensive, but all the components have guaranteed origin.

Purchasing cheap, untested products can harm your health.

When you would like to buy vitamins made in USA, double check the label and each component's origin.

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