How To Diet Your Way To A Muscular Body
By Arnold Sylvester If you are interested in learning how to build muscle, you will have probably already seen how difficult it is to come by real, proven information. Such is the glut of fly-by-night gimmicks in the health and fitness industry, it's little wonder most men are totally lost... But they usually all have one thing in common - none of them have actually returned any results for you yet. Well believe it or not, there are several fundamental rules to hypertrophy which, if applied correctly, will see you pack on more lean size to your body in the next three months than any so-called next big thing can claim to outperform. Today we will be focusing on just one of these fundamental rules - the diet. A failure to supply your body with a decent source of nutrition will lead you down a road to nowhere. Hundreds of thousands of individuals make this mistake, often deeming nutrition to be too complex for them to follow, but the truth is it's vital to your o...