A tired woman's guide to hot sex

After a long, hard day at work, being welcomed home with open arms is so tantalising. You know you want to get busy tonight; you clearly deserve all the love and attention. But you simply can't. Work has got you wiped out and all you can do is doze off. If you've been there a few too many times before, here's how you can change the situation.


Try a bubble bath
There's not much a hot bath won't cure. Add to it the comfort and frivolity of bubbles, along with scented candles, and you'll be relaxed in no time. Slip into the bathtub with your man and have him lather you up. Just lie back and let him work his magic. All the soapy action and his naked proximity will have you turned on and going at it soon enough. 

Get him to give you a massage
A soothing massage after a tiring workday is everyone's dream come true. The next time you feel too worn out to indulge in some sexy time, just ask him to rub you down nice and slow. With your body relaxed and loosened up, there's nothing you would rather do than show him a good time in bed. 

Keep it sweet and simple
When you are too tired to even move a muscle it helps to keep the positions easy and doable. None of the contortionist moves that you pull out on a good day! Stick to missionary or doggy style and just enjoy the intimacy with your partner. 

Get a little tipsy
Getting drunk after work is not the best idea, but you can sip on a glass (or two) of wine and let the high kick in. A little alcohol in your system will have you feeling light and calm. This way, you can make a move on your man without any inhibitions, and you won't have exhaustion bogging you down.

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