5 Ways To Lose Weight Without Exercise

By Sheila Bell

Obesity is swiftly becoming an epidemic in our society.

The majority of overweight people want to lose weight and get healthy but the thought of beginning an exercise routine and continuing it long term seems to difficult.

Regular exercise should be included in every weight loss program.

However many people find it difficult to maintain an exercise routine and quit. Is there a way to lose weight without exercise?

While exercise is always best for weight loss and healthier living, there are some ways to lose weight without exercise, which include the following.

Kick The Soda Habit

Sodas are packed with sugar and calories. Each 12 oz soda you drink averages around 140 calories which is the equivalent of 15 pounds per year.

Removing soda from your life can have a huge impact on your weight loss.

Eat Healthier Snacks

When you are feeling hungry and need to grab a snack, reach for fruit, vegetables or nuts instead of chips or cakes.

Fruits are naturally sweet and can be an effective way to curb your appetite and sweet cravings.

Portion Control

Cutting back on the amount of food you are eating and monitoring the number of calories you are consuming is essential for weight loss.

The best way to do this is to eat the recommended serving size but if that's not possible start by eating half of the amount you usually eat.

If you implement this one thing on a regular basis you will begin to lose weight.

Drink Water

Our bodies are composed of approximately seventy percent water and it is essential to keep our bodies functioning at its best.

Drinking water during the day fills you up and keeps you from feeling hungry between meals.

Also, substituting water for sweet drinks high in calories and sugar can be instrumental in helping you lose the unwanted pounds.

Your target should be 8 or more glasses per day.

Use The Stairs Instead Of The Elevator

Taking the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator whenever possible is a simple but effective way to your body moving a bit more.

While it may not be intense exercise, taking the stairs is a great way to burn a few extra calories.

When done on a regular basis it can result in several pounds of weight loss yearly.

Although simple, these 5 suggestions can help you lose weight without exercise if you make them a part of your lifestyle.

Losing weight can be done without exercise but adding exercise will drastically speed up the results and improve your health.

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