Why West Virginia Residents Ought To Put Health First

By Tom Taylor

According to the CDC, "more than one-third of U.S. adults (35.7%) are obese. Obesity-related conditions include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer, some of the leading causes of preventable death."

Did you know WV is one of the 10 states with the highest obesity rates in the United States of America? If you live in Parkersburg and are even the slightest bit over weight you could be at risk. At risk for what? High blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and obesity to name a few. It's time you take action and get your weight under control right away. Your well being should be a priority in your life.

There are a number of people in West Virginia that are sick and tired of being over weight and are ready for change. Are YOU one of them? We are happy to say that folks in West Virginia have had some remarkable results with our Ultimate Body Applicator body wraps. It's still a fairly new concept in Huntington but you can be the inspired leader that introduces it to your city!

How the Ultimate Body Applicator Works

The active ingredients in the Ultimate Applicator help to repair the skin, creating a tightening, toning and firming effect. The Ultimate Applicator also detoxifies the body. The ingredients continue working for 72 hours after you have applied the Ultimate Applicator, so you may continue to see progressive results over this time period.

A lot of people in Huntington are a bit skeptical and we understand how this could seem too good to be true. That is why it is so imperative to know the "science" behind The Ultimate Applicator and particularly how it works.

The ingredients promote Lipolysis. This literally means "fat-breaking". The plant extracts and botanicals in our wraps enter the fat cell and cut up the large fat molecules into little ones, making it possible for them to leave the cell. They are then burned up as energy somewhere else in the body, which is one reason why we want you to be well hydrated with water while you are using the applicators. This will help circulate those little fat molecules that are being released. This is HUGE and vitally important to know because the applicators (Body Wraps) are literally pushing FAT LOSS during this process!

The ingredients likewise release toxins from fat cells. A major function of fat cells is to store toxins, so if we are able to release toxins, then we can achieve a shrinking of the fat cells. The ingredients improve the micro circulation of the area that the wrap is applied to. This is what produces some of that tightening, firming and toning effect.

Fat tissue requires a great deal of blood vessels and such; if we can better the micro circulation then we are able to improve the overall health of the area. The wraps have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Fat tissue is horribly inflamed because of all the toxins and such. Again, we get tightening, firming and toning because we've increased the overall health of the area the wrap is applied and thus reduce the inflammation of the skin.

Basically, the ingredients in The Ultimate Body Applicator promote Lipolysis, they detoxify the cell, they improve micro circulation, and they reduce inflammation... side effects are typically inches lost!

Change in Parkersburg starts with you. West Virginia is counting on you to do your part and stay healthy for your future.

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