The Hidden Fat Loss Benefits Of Creatine Supplements

By Russ Howe

Despite being one of the most researched supplements in the bodybuilding industry, creatine is a product which still causes a mountain of confusion. One of those areas of confusion is the weight loss benefits it holds within it's power. Due to the large reputation it has as a muscle building product, most exercise fans are totally unaware that using this product is also one of the top weight loss tips the fitness industry has to offer.

One of the key reasons it is often overlooked is that the genre of losing weight is so dominated by fat loss pills and fad diets. Many people are a little scared to use products which have a reputation for building lean tissue. []

However, researchers recently confirmed what was believed in bodybuilding circles for many years - it holds multiple benefits for those who are looking to lose unwanted body fat! To get to grips with the finer details on why this happens, you must first understand what it actually does. Basically, it's responsible for your body's ability to perform short explosive moves such as jumping and lifting heavy things. Your body produces the substance naturally, but only in very small amounts.

It first hit the spotlight during the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona, where many coaches with sprinting athletes on their books began using it in their diets in the build up to the games. Their reasoning for this was that it would increase their explosive ability over a short distance, making it perfect for 100m sprinters. Their reasoning turned out to be correct, with many record times being logged and countless scientific studies going on to confirm it's effectiveness and safety. Bodybuilders began using it shortly afterwards, realizing that it would enable them to lift slightly heavier weights due to the increase in explosive strength it provided. It's reputation as a quality muscle building product was then cemented.

So the supplement itself won't increase your muscle, it's the result of what you do with the excess explosive strength you have gained from it. For this reason, any ladies worrying about piling on tons of lean muscle mass as a result of using this type of product can lay to rest any concerns.

The reason it's so effective as a fat loss supplement is that recent scientific studies confirmed the more lean muscle tissue we build, the more efficient the human body is at burning body fat automatically. That's right - the more lean tissue you hold on your body, the better you get at burning unwanted body fat even when you are not in the gym!

It was also shown to force excess water directly from the body into muscle cells, causing a harder, lean look in our major muscle groups.

Creatine is not only one of the most researched and established bodybuilding supplements on the planet, it's also one of the best kept secrets when it comes to weight loss tips. Now that you know the details, don't be afraid to make the most of these proven facts.

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